Redfall – dritter großer Patch verfügbar


Arkane hat den dritten großen Patch für Redfall veröffentlicht. Die englischen Patchnotes lesen sich folgendermaßen:

    • Basilisk can drop anywhere Unrivaled items are eligible, with a higher chance to drop from Bellwether-themed containers in the open world and vampire nests.
  • Shrouds, Anglers, and Siphons are now gated from spawning in the open world until players reach a specific level, or complete certain missions.
  • Balanced enemy abilities and traits:
    • Siphon’s Blood Torrent ability takes longer to interrupt when breaking line of sight.
    • Increased Siphon’s resistances to fire.
    • Vampires deal more damage to Bribón and Devinder’s Quantum Kerfuffle decoy when attacking from close range.
    • Soulless enemies deal more damage when attacking players from close range.
    • Watchers react faster to players in line of sight, and spawn reinforcements in combat more often.
  • Human enemies are now able to climb awnings.
  • Improved quality of enemy pathing and human movement animations.
  • Jacob’s Camouflage Field skill will no longer cancel ADS for non-Jacob players.
  • Devinder’s Ultraviolent Light skill no longer shatters Special vampires, and instead inflicts a large amount of damage to them. Regular vampires will still shatter.
  • Layla’s Psychic Shockwave no longer triggers multiple times from vampire lunge attacks.
  • Deathmist Spewers now respond to the UV burst from Emergency Flash Bang Blood Remnants.
  • Co-op players no longer lose their crouching ability when exiting a nest.
  • Bound civilians no longer show as cultists when pinged.
  • Refined search areas for several missions.
  • Added more respawn points to minimize cases where players are blocked from respawning after death.
  • Fixed locations where Devinder’s Translocate device can be thrown out of world.
  • Improved NPC patrol paths
  • “Amelia’s Eulogy” triggers correctly after reloading the game.
  • Resolved issues with hostile and friendly states in “One of Us”.
  • Improved Totality’s responsiveness during the Black Sun boss fight.
  • All damage-dealing Hero abilities will now shatter vulnerable Nest hearts.
  • Jacob’s Six String backpack cosmetic is now shown with other Backpack cosmetics.
  • Hero thumbs should no longer clip into assault rifles when equipped.
  • Improved visibility of player locations on the Map.
  • Added input curve visuals for Input Response settings.
  • Voice chat now has a separate volume control option in the Audio Settings Menu.
  • Added Single Press options for the following toggle-Hold interactions: ADS, Continuous Fire and all Menus.
  • Screen narration no longer repeats the narration for the “Close” prompt when navigating the System Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where all platforms read as ‘Xbox’ by the screen narrator.
  • Pop-up countdown is narrated properly during first time use of the Accessibility Menu.
  • Speech-to-text messages now appear in front of the blur of dialog menus in the Main Menu.
  • Message-of-the-Day carousel no longer receives focus priority after exiting out of pop-up windows.
  • Increased player flashlight’s fade speed when reflecting off surfaces.
  • Reduced Rook lightning dash attack impact brightness.
  • Hero outfit foley has been updated and balanced to reduce loudness.
  • Resolved issues with audio skipping during psychic echo playbacks.
  • Resolved an issue where music would stop playing after a player was revived during a vampire god fight.
  • Traversing through Deathmist should no longer cause performance issues.
  • Resolved issue with contact shadows interfering with self-shadowing.
  • Resolved issue with some Game Settings not persisting between game launches.
  • Restored default windowed mode to ‘Windowed Fullscreen’.
  • The game client now saves window location between game launches.
  • Various performance fixes related to FPS drops and stuttering.
  • Addressed edge-case crash condition with late joining game clients.