Electronic Arts gibt bekannt, dass Star Wars Battlefront einen umfangreichen Patch spendiert bekommt, der alle Bereiche des Ego-Shooters optimiert. Die englischen Patchnotes sehen so aus:
Bug fixes and tweaks
- General: Various minor UI issues.
- General: Various lighting fixes
- General: Various minor art updates on Rogue One: Scarif maps
Game Modes
- Walker Assault: Fixed a bug where three uplinks could be seen at the same time on Rogue One: Scarif maps
- Walker Assault: Adjusted all Hero spawn points on Rogue One: Scarif maps
- Walker Assault: Changed Y-wing timer to 30 seconds on Rogue One: Scarif maps
- Walker Assault: Adjusted AT-AT health across all maps
- Walker Assault: Adjusted AT-AT speed on Twilight on Hoth
- Infiltration: Adjusted playable area during The Approach
- Infiltration: Fixed an issue where users could not grab another Data tape after using the Jump Pack
- Hero Hunt: Fixed a bug with the Hero selection screen
- Heroes vs. Villains: Changed to only 1 set per map
- Battle Station: R2-D2 ignores benefits from Bacta Bomb and Medical Droid
- Private Match: Fixed an end of round issue on Infiltration where the U-wing didnt spawn if switching teams in a 1v1 match
Weapons & Star Cards
- Sonic Imploder: Fixed criteria for Grenadier Hutt contract regarding the Flash requirement
- Sonic Imploder: Increased blast radius from 2 to 4 meters
- Sonic Imploder: Increased explosion damage from 90 to 100
- TIE Striker: Raised projectile speed from 800 to 1000 meters/second
- TIE Striker: Increased explosion damage from 5 to 10
- A-180: Fixed a rare bug where users could be spawned with their regular Star Card primary hand instead of the A-180 module
- Most stuns will be prevented for 2 seconds after a Hero has been stunned once. This doesnt apply to specific stuns like Force Choke and Force Push
- Reduced Microgrenades inner radius from 3 to 2.5 meters
- Reduced Microgrenades radius from 5 to 4 meters
- Increased Roar recharge time from 28 to 35 seconds
- Decreased main projectile Explosion damage from 45 to 38
Darth Vader
- Can now use his Saber Throw and Heavy Strike when Force Choking
- Increased Trait radius from 10 meters to 15
- Trait no longer affect enemies
- Trait values now correctly match the UI description, Level 1 20%, Level 2 50%, Level 3 80%
- Increased Trait radius from 8 to 13 meters
- Fixed looping stun animation on Trooper Bane shots
- Stormtroopers affected by Bacta will now be defeated by Trooper Bane
- Trait values now correctly match the UI description, Level 1 20%, Level 2 40%, Level 3 60%
- Increased Trait radius from 10 to 12 meters
- Armor Breaker is applying the armor reduction after the damage is done
- Reduced Armor Breaker homing capabilities
- Trait values now correctly match the UI description, Level 1 10%, Level 2 20%, Level 3 40%
- Decreased speed at Trait level 3 from 80% to 70%
- Shield Deflection can now block Krennics Armor Breaker ability
- Increased Pistol End damage from 35 to 69
- Increased Pistol start falloff damage from 40 To 50
- Increased Pistol end falloff damage from 60 To 70
- Decreased Rifle configuration Overheat per bullet from 0.068 to 0.055
- Will no longer be damaged from his Power Blast Explosion
- Power Blast now goes on cooldown properly after deactivation
- Stuns Luke out of Block for 2 seconds when shooting him with Slow targeting
Boba Fett
- Increased Flamethrower damage against Chewbacca by 50%
- U-Wing: Fixed missile warning issues
Haha, der war gut! 🙂
Wann kommt denn mal ein Ps4 Pro Patch? Hätte gerne ‘ne höhere Auflösung. Muss doch mehr ALS 900p möglich sein!? 😉
Liegt wohl an den DLCs. Ohne das zusätzliche Geld wäre das Spiel schon lange Geschichte.Wer angetrunken nach Hause kommt und nicht mehr fit genug für Titanfall 2 ist, sollte es mal wieder einlegen.
ich denke der support wird nichtmehr kommen für den teil. bin positiv überrascht das ea das spiel überhaupt noch patchen.
Mehr “”als””! :-PWird doch in letzter Zeit derbe drauf geachtet, auf korrekte Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, oder!? Gibt’s auch einen Preis zu gewinnen??? 😉
Die sollen mal lieber einfügen, dass man den “”Deathstar DLC”” auch offline gegen KI-Gegner spielen kann!