Dank eines jetzt erschienen Updates schafft die stationäre Switch-Version von Minecraft von nun an 1080p – vorher war bei 720p Schluss. Die gesamten englischen Patchnotes dazu lesen sich ansonsten so:
- Added Canyon, a free Glide track.
- Added Biome Settlers 2 Skin pack.
- Added Terracotta and Glazed Terracotta layers to Tumble.
- Enable 1080p display when placed in the Nintendo Switch Dock.
- Improved performance in Solo Glide when restarting the level (particularly with split-screen spectators).
- Totem of Undying now also applies Fire Resistance II.
- Fixed some areas where it was possible to escape from Battle maps or Glide tracks.
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to milk a Cow in Creative Mode.
- Fixed a bug where players were being teleported back to the Nether portal shortly after arriving in the other dimension.
- Fixed a bug where broken Banners wouldn’t stack with crafted Banners.
- Fixed a bug where Wheat, Ladders, and Banners were not correctly spawning in Woodland Mansions.
- Fixed a bug where Monster Spawners in Woodland Mansions were Pigs instead of Spiders.
- Fixed a bug where the Item Frame icon appeared when holding a Map.
- Fixed an incorrect death message when players were killed by Zombie Villagers.
- Fix for custom names of Mobs not being shown in death messages.
- Fix for being unable to unlock “Sniper Duel”.
- Fix for being unable to unlock “Camouflage”.
- Fix for MCCE #5183 – Player can kill a tamed Parrot with PvP disabled.
- Fix for MCCE #5062 – Farmer Villagers only plant one seed after harvesting a whole crop of seeds from a field.
- Fix for MCCE #4103 – Time spent on the Pause menu when under water counts towards the “Free Diver” trophy.
- Fix for MCCE #3112 – When trying to throw food, Villagers throw it in the wrong direction.
- Fix for MCCE #5219 – Two types of Bone Block with different pictures.
- Fix for MCCE #4989 – Zombie Villager Spawn eggs are the wrong colour.
- Fix for MCCE #5261 – Flower hitbox is displaced.
- Fix for MCCE #4897 – Beds explode when TNT Explodes is disabled.
- Fix for MCCE #4954 – Mobs can’t move with a block above them.
- Fix for MCCE #3010 – Constructing an End portal in a certain method can lead to the End Portal being created next to the portal frame.
- Fix for MCCE #5292 – Only regular Skeletons spawning in the Nether.
- Fix for MCCE #5151 & MCCE #5208 – Item frames don’t show the custom name of their items.
wow-diese Grafikgranate lief bisher in 720.Anscheinend war das abwesend Sein von Grafik etwas zu fordernd.
Bravo Nintendo! Switch hat also auch einen Beastmode.
Kommt denn noch eine Handels Version?