Wie THQ Nordic und KING Art Games mitteilen, wurde nun ein neues Update für Die Zwerge veröffentlicht. Dieses beschäftigt sich vor Allem mit der Behebung von Bugs und einer besseren Leistung des Titels, wie Ihr den englischen Patch Notes entnehmen könnt:
- Decreased loading times between different scenes (the game loads most scenes at least twice as fast)
- Decreased restart times in battles (65-75% faster restart times)
- Improved performance through better audio playback handling
- Removed framerate stutters due to audio processing in combat
- Fixed an error in battle of Mifurdania
- Fixed an error in the Golem battle
- Fixed Greater Healing Potion
- Improved performance in Toboribor
- Improved moving on the worldmap
- Fixed an error in portrait icons
Xbox One
- Decreased loading times between different scenes (the game loads most scenes at least twice as fast)
- Decreased restart times in battles (65-75% faster restart times)
- Fixed an error in battle of Mifurdania
- Fixed an error in the Golem battle
- Fixed Greater Healing Potion