Phantom Dust – Millionenmarke geknackt, Inhalt von Update #2


Microsoft gibt bekannt, dass die Neuauflage von Phantom Dust bei der Anzahl der Spieler die Millionenmarke geknackt hat. Erscheinungstermin war der 16. Mai.

Außerdem gab es neue Informationen zum Update #2, das u.a. tägliche Belohnungen und Expansion Skills ergänzt. Die restlichen englischen Patchnotes lesen sich so:

Other changes and fixes:

Beyond the big changes, we’ve refined some behavior and fixed issues we’ve found, or the community has raised.

  • Optimized performance options
  • Updated Quick Match behavior to handle full lobbies more gracefully
  • Resolved screen orientation issue that was present on some devices
  • Fixed a bug on PC where title performance would dip on some systems when the VSync toggle option is set to off
  • Fixed a bug where the active user can be changed without returning to the Phantom Dust title screen after a prompted sign in following a sign out from the main menu
  • Fixed a bug where the cursor navigation inputs remain permanently active when a gamepad is disconnected while a cursor navigation input is held

Known issue:

We have one lingering known issue regarding controller disconnection and chat. We’re working on a fix for this, but it’s easily worked around in the meantime.

  • Disconnection of an active Xbox One chat device or powering down a controller with an Xbox chat device plugged into it while voice chat is active causes to the system to stop taking controller input
    • Workaround: Avoid this by not disconnecting a chat device from the controller or Xbox during voice chat sessions or turning off or allowing the controller to lose power during voice chat sessions

If you’re chatting and playing wirelessly, make sure your batteries aren’t close to running out!


Das hat wohl damit zu tun das es ein online Titel ist der gratis released wurdeUnd vlt jeder der es gezogen hat mal reingeschaut hat..Wenn man so aktuell jedoch Erfolg suggeriert..Ok..